2.0 Verification Standard 验证标准
Compliance with the Verification Protocol by all Organizations in the supply chain shall be verified by CUC according to following SVCOC requirements CUC
应根据以下 SVCOC 要求,对供应链中所有组织对验证方案的遵守情况进行验证。
1.0 Management System 管理体系
1.1 The Organization shall establish, implement and maintain documented procedures and/or work instructions covering all applicable requirements of the Verification Protocol.
1.2 Companies shall maintain a documented material flow diagram, including the points of risk
1.5 The Organization shall maintain complete, up-to-date records to demonstrate conformity with all requirements of the Verification Protocol.
1.6 All records used in the implementation and/or verification of this protocol shall be retained by the Organization for a minimum of five years
1.7 The Organization shall maintain and communicate clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all staff and management that may have an impact on the implementation of the requirement of this verification protocol.
1.8 The Organization shall appoint a management representative to be responsible for the overall compliance to the requirement of this verification protocol.
1.7 The staff responsible for each procedure impacted by the shall be given proper and regular training with regards to the implementation of the standard. Verifiable records shall be kept for five years.
负责每个程序的工作人员应适当且定期接受有关标准执行的培训。 |