品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口双线圈自保持电磁阀节能为双线圈控制,一个线圈瞬间通电后关闭电源、阀打开,另一个线圈瞬间通电后关闭电源、阀关闭。可以长时间保持关闭或打开状态,线圈寿命更长。适用于电能源有限的工况和介质为高温的管道retz The energy-saving of the dual coil self holding solenoid valve is controlled by the dual coil. One coil is momentarily powered on and turns off the power and opens the valve, while the other coil is momentarily powered on and turns off the power and closes the valve. Can be kept closed or open for a long time, resulting in longer coil life. Suitable for working conditions with limited electrical energy and pipelines with high temperature medium
进口双线圈自保持电磁阀工作原理 working principle
A:当1号线圈瞬间通电后断电,电磁阀打开 When the coil 1 after the moment electricity power,electromagnetic valve is opened
B:当2号线圈瞬间通电后断电,电磁阀关闭 Moment when the coil 2 is powered electricity,electromagnetic valve closed
原理结构:自保持式分步活塞式、一步活塞式 Principle and structure: self holding split piston type, one-step piston type
规格尺寸:1/2~8 Specification and size: 1/2-8“
环境温度:-10~+50℃ Environmental temperature: -10~+50 ℃
电源电压supply voltage:AC380V、AC220V、AC127V、AC36V、AC24V、DC220V、DC110V、DC36V、DC24V、DC12V
流体介质:水、气、油等 Fluid medium: water, gas, oil, etc
流体温度Fluid temperature:>-60℃、>-40℃、<+60℃、<+120℃、<+200℃
流体压力fluid pressure:0-6.4MPa
连接方式:螺纹、法兰、 Connection method: thread, flange
接线方式:塑封线盒插头、铁罩引线 Wiring method: plastic sealed wire box plug, iron cover lead
阀体材质:不锈钢(304、316、316L)Valve body material: stainless steel (304, 316, 316L) |