”第二种实用的举例子方式是采用对比类的例子,这种方式还可能涉及到时态的混合, 是一种对自己语言水平的炫耀,加分!下面Cornnie做一个示范。“
Topic Sentence: Technology has made long-distance communication better.
Example (×): For instance, I live many hundreds of miles away from my parents, but I talk to them by video chat every month.
Example (✔): Twenty years ago, before we had video chat technology, I wouldn’t have been able to see my parents’ faces so often. That change in technology has allowed me to communicate with people I love even though I’m very far away.
有的学生还会引用数据According to the statistics provided by ... 或者是用名人名言,但是这需要一定的积累啦,能不能用出来只能随缘。另一些学生会常用analytic example,这就比较抽象一点,更考验大家的功力,不过也是ok的方式。下面Cornnie做一个示范。“
Topic Sentence: Another important reason to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparably harmed by their extinction.
Exemplification: For example, if humans chop down forests and use the land to grow corn, they might simultaneously destroy the habitats of a kind of bird that eats locusts. The next yearbecause the locust population can grow unchecked, locusts might destroy the entire nearby corn crop. Not only do the birds lose their homes, but humans are also harmed. The ecological balance of many natural habitats is still not well understood and humans interfere in it at their peril.
除了以上聊到的“直给型”,在实在字数要不够的时候可以使用“让步型’。也就是在自己的观点写完之后或者之前加上对于别的同学的观点的反驳。Admittedly, Paul is right when... After all, ... Nevertheless, I think ....
https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt-enhancements/prep.html但是这个系统无法保存大家的作文,所以大家记得在时间快到的时候赶紧截图保存好,这样才方便自己后期结合分数进行批改和复盘。打个广告!有需要写作辅导or批改文章的可以联系我~ |