CMC-2365模具焊丝CMC-2365模具焊丝硬度 HRC4248mm 1.6 , 2.4 , 3.2 inch 1/16 , 3/32 , 1/8焊補熱鍛模、鋁銦徨懩!X銐鸿T模、具良好耐熱、耐磨、耐龜裂性良好之氬焊絲。CMC-8407-H12模具焊丝CMC-8407-H12模具焊丝硬度 HRC5257mn 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , 2.4 , 3.2 inch 3/64 , 1/16 , 3/32 , 1/8焊補熱鍛模、熱切模、熱沖模、熱加工成型模、熱作工具、壓鑄模鋼。CMC-8407模具焊丝CMC-8407模具焊丝硬度 HRC4045mn 0.9 , 1.2 , 1.6 , 2.4 inch 3/64 , 1/16 , 3/32焊補制鋅、鋁、錫等有色合金及愫辖鹬畨鸿T模。L312银焊条L312银焊条 Wire & rod
丝 595-605 Ag40.Cu.Zn.Cd Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.
钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等L313银焊条L313银焊条 Wire & rod
丝 625-635 Ag50.Cu.Zn.Cd Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.