野生何首乌哪里可以直接交易 何首乌
Duck treasure, we must all be relatively strange, but also in the past two years, the major sites appear more words. Duck treasure is mainly used in medicine, the medicinal composition determines the market value, because in recent years, treasure duck (duck treasure or other special animal stone material) the probability is extremely low, so the price of a duck treasure the value of money, can even buy a house in Shanghai.
With understanding, the first is in the Yongjia duck Bao pharmaceutical Han Yuan, Hua Tuo founder of surgery for pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical compositions for the treatment of refining the many Difficult miscellaneous diseases. Since Hua Tuo, many medical home duck treasure pharmaceutical, until now.
Duck treasure is sale as price, price is higher than gold, is its medicinal value, it is reported that duck treasure there is content that should be reached five percent the medicinal ingredients of the finest duck treasure is, the higher the medicinal components, the higher the value.
2.颜色、质地:真的何首乌表面为红棕色或红褐色,皱缩不平,有浅沟,切面为浅黄棕色或红棕色,有异型维管束环列,形成云锦状花纹,俗称“筋” ,质坚实;假的何首乌表面颜色灰暗,光滑,切面颜色偏白,中间无筋,质地松脆。
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