堆高车的基本作业功能分为水平搬运、堆垛 /取货、装货/卸货、拣选。根据企业所要达到的作业功能可以从本公司的从本公司的产品系列中初步确定。另外,特殊的作业功能会影响到堆高车的具体配置,如搬运的是纸卷、铁水等,需要堆高车安装属具来完成特殊功能。
The basic functions of the stacker are divided into horizontal handling, stacking / picking, loading / unloading, and picking. According to the operation function of the enterprise, it can be preliminarily determined from our company's product line. In addition, the special operation function will affect the concrete configuration of the stacker, such as carrying paper, molten iron and so on, need to build a high car installation tools to complete special functions.
青春,如三月的春风,我们沐浴在春风里。三月的春风,是我们的朋友,是我们的同窗,是陪伴我们成长的玩伴。因为有了春风,我们感受到友谊的温暖;因为有了春风,我们不再寂寞;因为有了春风,我们总在需要帮助的时候,有他们伸出援助之手。春风,是那样感情丰富,温婉细腻。在春风里,我们跳着,唱着,欢呼着,只因为这如春风的情谊。 |