Wolfberry Powder ExtractWolfberry Powder Extract
AppearanceLight brown powder
Main Function 1 Inhibit tumor growth; 2 Prevent cancer; 3 Neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation; 4 Help normalize blood pressure; 5 Help balance blood sugar; 6 Combat autoimmune disease; 7 Act as an anti-inflammatory; 8 Balance immune function; 9 Lower cholesterol and blood lipids; 10 Increase calcium absorption.Morinda OfficinalisMorinda Officinalis
AppearanceBrown powder or off-white powder
Functions To remforce the kidney yang, to strengthen the tendons and the bones, and to relieve rheumatic conditions.
Morinda Citrifolia and Officinalis is an herbal combination made from two types of the the morinda plant. Morinda Citrifolia and Officinalis has been used for hundreds of years to support the entire body treating a wide...Cistanche deserticolaCistanche deserticola
AppearanceBrown powder
Functions 1.Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity caused by Cistanche deserticola in rodents. 2. Anti-oxidative action of the glycosides of Cistanche in the tissue of mice 3. Hepatoprotective activity of phenylethanoids from Cistanche deserticola 4. Kidney reinforcing and yang supporting action of cistanche deserticola Y. C. Ma before and afte...Songaria cynomorium herb P.ESongaria cynomorium herb P.E
Appearance Red brown powder, Songaria Cynomorium Herb is the dried fleshy stem of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. Fam. Cynomoiaceae.
FunctionsTo reinforce the kidney yang, to replenish vital essence and blood, and to relax bowels.
IndicationsAching and weakness of the loins and knees, impotence, spermatorrhea, constipation.Dodder Seed P.E.Cuscuta chinensis P.E.Dodder Seed P.E.Cuscuta chinensis P.E.
Appearance Yellow brown powder
FunctionsDodder Seed extracts as male sexual enhancement material
In line with its traditional use to purge black bile, dodder is still considered a valuable, though rarely used, herb for problems affecting the liver and gallbladder. Dodder is thought to support liver function and is taken for jaundice. Dodder has a mildly laxat...