Burdock Root extractsBurdock Root extracts
Appearance Brown powder
Functions and usage Burdock root as the most ancient medicinal and edible vegetables, its main role is the effect of kidney impotence. The Burdock roots extract also have High nutritional value.
It also can inhibit the cancer and the Uremia.Sarsaparilla ExtractSarsaparilla Extract
Appearance brown powder
Functions and usage According to Chinese records, Smilax can be used for wine, the main role is to impotence. Besides this, it has Leaching treatment of cloud, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, dysentery, carbuncles and other effects.Saw palmetto extractSaw palmetto extract
Appearance White powder
FunctionsSaw Palmetto extract the fatty acids can effectively improve prostate function, benign prostatic hyperplasia with special effects.
Mainly used for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Treatment of impotence, sexual dysfunction, kidney disease, cystitis, testicularinflammation, bronchitis, loss of appetite, nasal congestion and so on It also can Promot...Oyster extractOyster extract
Appearance White fine powder
Function and usage Improve the sexual function of men and women. Using for the insomnia and Tinnitus and spontaneous sweating and Emission, avalanche zone.Tokay Gecko extractTokay Gecko extract
Appearance Brown powder
SourceTokay Gecko body that removal of offal.
Function and usage
1 Containing both male and female hormones, increasing the activity of sperm and eggs.
2 Impotence. Good for lungs.
3 Anti-aging, longevity.