在安装调试过程中我公司的技术人员将对需方说明设备的安装步骤和应该注意的事项,安装的每一件设备应作安装详细记录。一切在安装过程中造成的设备损坏,责任均在我公司。 In installation process, Golden Laser technician will explain the dos and don'ts to demand sides, each piece of equipment installed should have a detailed record. Golden Laser is responsible for the all equipment damages caused during the installation process. 成本低,全自动,易操作 1、激光加工速度快; 2、激光切割机使用的“刀具”是聚焦后的光点,不需添加其它设备和材料,只需激光器能正常工作,就可以长时间连续加工; 3、激光加工由计算机自动控制,生产时不需人工干预操作。 b、在签订合同后我公司在最短时间了解贵公司的厂房的安装地理位置,确定设备的具体安装位置。并在合同生效后7个工作日内提供设备地基图。 b. After Contract signed, Golden Laser shall get your factory position information in shortest time to determine equipment installation position, and provide the equipment foundation plans in 7 work days from the effective date of the Contract. |