测量偶数齿的量柱测量距,需将两个量柱放置在两个完全相对的齿槽中。测量奇数齿的量柱测量距,需将两个量柱放置在两个接近相对的齿槽中。两量柱测量距的公差与相应的齿根圆直径的公差相同。用切削一类方法加工的实际齿槽廓线,其两侧齿廓应位于最小齿廓半径和**齿廓半径之间,并按各自角度与滚子定位齿沟圆弧线圆滑过渡连接。 弯板滚子链适用场合: 低速重载、有粉尘的开式传动和两轮不易共面的情况,一般节距较大。 传动分为为闭式传动和开式传动 弯板滚子链定做找润通 The transmission is divided into the closed drive and the open drive Closed transmission: in the relative enclosed space of the drive, run well. Open drive: in the open space drive, it is difficult to lubricate. 弯板滚子链结构特点: 链板是弯曲的,无内外链节之分,因而能以一个节距长为单位来接长与缩短链条。磨损后链节节距仍均匀,抗冲击性能好。销轴、套筒和链板间的间隙较大,对链轮的共面性要求较低,销轴容易拆装,便于维修。 Structure features: The chain plate is curved, without the inner and outer link points, so it can take a long pitch as a unit to take long and shorten the chain. After wearing the chain pitch is uniform, good anti impact performance. The gap between the pin axis, the sleeve and the chain plate is larger, the coplanar requirements of the sprocket are lower, the pin axis is easy to assemble and easy for maintenance.. |