F223焊条F223焊条Cr21 W5 B1.5 Co Rem.HRc 40PTA hardfacing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, such as valve under high temperature and high pressure, and blower.高温下耐磨耐蚀件的喷焊,如高温高压阀门、鼓风机F321焊条F321焊条Cr13 B1.5 Si1 Fe Rem.HRc 45PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as stop-plate etc.中温中压阀门的闸板及其他耐磨件的等离子喷焊F322焊条F322焊条Cr23 Ni13 Si5 B1
Fe Rem.HRc 40PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as valve base etc.中温中压阀门的阀座及其他耐磨件的等离子喷焊F422焊条F422焊条Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem.HB 80PTA hardfacing of axle and bearing etc.轴、轴承等离子喷焊Ni 25焊条Ni 25焊条250.20 3.50 8.00 Bal 1.50玻璃模具、各类成型模