1. Malcolm finished the work and then left the office which was well-planned.
这里的形容词从句“which was well-planned”,应该修饰名词 “the work”,不是“the office”,因此犯了修饰的对象不符之错。最容易的改正方法,是使这个从句紧扣在先行词“the work”后面,即:
2. Malcolm finished the work which was well-planned and then left the office.
这样的改正虽然符合语法,但句子显得头重脚轻,失去平衡;对是对,但是不好。我建议重整从句,以臻“既对且好”之境。试比较 7(a), (b)和(c):
a. Malcolm left the office after he had finished the work which was well-planned.
b. Malcolm left the office after having finished the work which was well-planned.
c. Malcolm finished the well-planned work and then left the office.
三句中,(c)一气呵成,短小精悍,是上选。此外,⑦(c)把形容词从句节缩为合成形容词(compound adjective),使句子简练有力。这点足以证明节缩句的好处。关于节缩方法,以后再谈。在了解节缩法之前,千万不要随便尝试,以免犯错。例如:
3. A sentence is made up of a subject and a predicate is called a simple sentence.
“is made up of a subject and a predicate”是形容词从句“which is made up of a subject and a predicate”的节缩体,但是错了。