***************ARS2105 metronix驱动器*******************
手机 :15322569805
ARS2105 metronix驱动器渠道商介绍,近期在世界各地的MT野外数据采集过程中均出现了采集仪器GPS无法锁定卫星的故障。已知出现此故障的仪器有:加拿大凤凰公司MTU系列,乌克兰LEMI系列以及德国Metronix的ADU系列等。该故障主要与此前2019年4月6日发生的GPS的周数翻转有关,受影响的的主要是一些老旧型号的仪器,这些仪器均装载了旧型号的GPS基板。(注:GPS卫星向地球发送10位二进制通信消息,其中“周数”从0000到1023计数,达到**编码周数1024后,周数值将重置为0000。最近一次GPS周数翻转事件发生于2019年4月6日23:59:42 UTC,这是第二次此类全球性事件,上次GPS周数翻转事件发生于1999年,下一次将在19.7年后)。以下为不同仪器公司给出的情况说明及解决方案:
We found that some of GPS modules in LEMI-417 stations as well as in LEMI-018 magnetometers which some of you have, may be affected by the GPS week number rollover problem (e.g. https://www.gps.gov/cgsic/meetings/2017/powers.pdf). It means that from April 7, the GPS reported date may not be valid: mostly all our stations will work correctly, except few stations which contain EB-500L GPS module. With such a module the station will still work, but the date and time will be wrong. We have to stress that this problem will not appear until you re-start electronic unit - if permanently working, then all will be good. As soon as you switch it off, the problem may appear (if GPS module EB-500L is inside).
Such stations have to be upgraded to change the firmware in the station microcontroller ATmega1281. If you have such a case with your instruments, please, inform its serial number to our designer Andrii
and we'll send to you necessary firmware file and instruction how to disassemble/assemble the electronic unit and reprogram the microcontroller ATmega1281 at the data acquisition board.
But first of all we recommend you to check your instruments operability with new GPS epoch. The process is not complicated: the only you have is to check if the given station has really GPS module of the type EB-500L (all other will work without problems). It is possible to check it without electronic unit opening: At the OPEN AREA (not forest!) connect a proven GPS antenna (which you are SURE that it is operational) to the electronic unit, give power supply and wait for 15 minutes. If you have date and time displayed, all is good. In such a case this station has not to have week-roll-over problem and operate normally.
德国Metronix ADU系列:
1. Metronix ADU-08e systems are NOT affected.
2. Metronix ADU-07e systems with new GPS board Revision 2.0 (uBlox chipset – mostly used in japan) are also NOT affected.
3. Metronix ADU-07e systems with old GPS board (NavSync chipset) had an issue with GPS week number rollover, but all customers (as far as the contact data we had was still valid) had been informed already in april, before the week number rollover event occurred. A GPS firmware update to fix the problem is available since mid of april on the website https://www.geo-metronix.de/metronix_manuals/en/faq/faq_software.html. With this GPS firmware update Metronix ADU-07e are working normally again.