3. 环氧底涂施工: 检查基层处理是否达到要求,在涂施底涂前清理干净地面粉尘;采用滚筒或毛刷在基层地面上均匀、普遍涂施底涂材料,形成环氧底涂层。使环氧树脂渗透到基层混凝土中,并与之形成牢固的粘结,为其之上的其它工序施工提供良好的界面。环氧底涂;将A 组分环氧树脂底涂材料(大桶20kg)材料和B 组分固化剂材料(小桶10kg)混合一起搅拌5-10 分钟形成环氧底涂材料。
4. 环氧砂浆的拌制:将A 组分环氧树脂中涂材料(大桶20KG)材料和B 组分固化剂材料(小桶)混合一起搅拌5-10 分钟,再按1:0.7 的比例加入工业砂和腻子的混合物搅拌5-10 分钟,形成环氧砂浆材。
(一) 颜色一致、均一,无明显色差,无漏光现象;
(二) 漆膜不得有以下明显缺陷:起皮、缩孔、气泡、小颗料、滚筒毛、裂纹、漏底;
(三) 阴阳角、倒角等复杂地形的处理,不能有遗漏及不平整现象,尤其各门口不能有堆积现象,门的开闭不会划伤环氧面层;
(四) 施工现场干净整洁:把洒落油漆、配漆的操作场所和超出施工范围的涂层清理干净,施工所使用的胶带、报纸、压条及其它废弃物处理干净。
(一) 环氧砂浆起泡:进行施工前必须对地面的含水率进行测试,含水率is an epoxy floor surface materials, the use of two-component epoxy coating color containing flux, there is a very good dust, chemical resistance, durability, ease of maintenance, bright colors and other characteristics, more suitable for use in any color of the warehouse renovation old ground, more suitable for use in ground anti-acid and other chemicals, can withstand a variety of mechanical rolling of the vehicle, due to the relatively rich epoxy paint colors, we can be . For Epoxy construction must be strict quality control, do a good job from the source, in order to protect flooring project quality.
Epoxy primer has good adhesion, very easy to penetrate into the concrete surface, concrete surface plays a sealed, sturdy base effect, the epoxy coating has a partial closure of the concrete surface leveling and trachoma role, epoxy coated with good abrasion and chemical resistance.
1, before Epoxy construction preparation
Epoxy construction is completed after the start of the concrete, so before the floor construction must strictly control the moisture content of the ground, the general control of 8%, but also to ensure hardness; in addition, before construction required thorough degreasing dirt.
2. Epoxy construction program
① for completion of the new concrete floor, if there is salt on the phenomenon, should be supplemented by acidification;
② exists on the old concrete floor, application-specific grinding machine or sandblasting machine, the damaged or loose concrete floor laitance or loose layer polished off, and then clean up;
③ the use of two-component epoxy primer / sealer, wool brush with scrubbing brush or concrete floor surface evenly brushing twice, dry for 12 hours;
④ increase with quartz sand using epoxy coating, with a batch of knife primed surface twice batch coating, the trachoma and pits sealed conc