PA66 103FHS BKB009美国杜邦Zytel®热稳定内部润滑聚酰胺66尼龙塑料(18024445500)
Zytel® 103FHS BKB009 is a heat stabilised, internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection moulding. It was developed for fast
cycles and high productivity.
General information Value Unit Test Standard
Resin Identification PA66 - -
Part Marking Code >PA66< - ISO 11469
Rheological properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard
Moulding shrinkage, parallel 1.3 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577
Moulding shrinkage, normal 1.3 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577
Mechanical properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard
Tensile Modulus 3100 / - MPa ISO 527-1/-2
Yield stress 85 / - MPa ISO 527-1/-2
Yield strain 4.3 / - % ISO 527-1/-2
Nominal strain at break 15 / - % ISO 527-1/-2
Flexural Modulus 2800 / - MPa ISO 178
Charpy impact strength, 23°C 250 / - kJ/m&sup2; ISO 179/1eU
Charpy notched impact strength, 23°C 5 / - kJ/m&sup2; ISO 179/1eA
Izod notched impact strength ISO 180/1A
23°C 5/- kJ/m&sup2;
-40°C 5/- kJ/m&sup2;
Izod impact strength, 23°C 200/- kJ/m&sup2; ISO 180/1U
Thermal properties dry/cond Unit Test Standard
Melting temperature, 10°C/min 262/* °C ISO 11357-1/-3
Temp. of deflection under load ISO 75-1/-2
1.8 MPa 70 / * °C
0.45 MPa 195 / * °C
RTI, electrical UL 746B
0.75 mm 140 / * °C
1.5mm 140 / * °C
RTI, impact UL 746B
0.75 mm 95 °C
1.5mm 110 / * °C
RTI, strength UL 746B
0.75 mm 115 °C
1.5mm 125 / * °C
Flammability dry / cond Unit Test Standard
Burning Behav. at 1.5mm nom. thickn. V-2 / * class IEC 60695-11-10
Thickness tested 1.5 / * mm IEC 60695-11-10
UL recognition UL / * - -
Burning Behav. at thickness h V-2 / * class IEC 60695-11-10
Thickness tested 0.71 / * mm IEC 60695-11-10
Glow Wire Flammability Index IEC 60695-2-1/2
0.75mm 850 / - °C
1.5mm 960 / - °C
3mm 960 / - °C
Glow Wire Ignition Temperature IEC 60695-2-1/3
0.75mm 725/- °C
1.5mm 725/- °C
3mm 725/- °C
Other properties dry/cond Unit Test Standard
Density 1140/- kg/m&sup3; ISO 1183 |