Schwarzer Precision泵Schwarzer Precision, founded in 1970, is the German market leader in the development and production of miniature pumps for high-end applications.
The motto "We care" underlines the high level of responsibility we are assuming with our trend-setting developments in flow dynamics and micromechanics - because our pumps are specifically employed worldwide wherever high precision, long servic...GRISWOLD泵美国GRISWOLD化工流程泵
GRISWOLD 811系列是GRISWOLD产品中**代表性的化工泵. 具有各种规格、流量和材质, 几乎可满足所有流体工艺的应用。可选规格超过 30个, 且有多种设计可选。我们的产品也可输送一些较为复杂的流体—研磨性和腐蚀性液体。设计的流量范围从 4 到 4000GPM。BARBERO E液化石油气LPG碳氢燃料泵意大利BARBERO E碳氢燃料和Atex认证油用泵制造商。汽油和柴油用潜水电泵。液化石油气用自动启动泵。油用齿轮泵。Idropres齿轮泵Idropres Srl公司生产的各种性质和粘度流体正排量齿轮泵。该公司是创建于1966年BUSTO Arsizio的机械车间,在遵循公司在领土经营,发展自己的生产容积泵工业泵的维护活动的目的。在1981年发生的变化带来IDROPRES Srl公司目前在未来的几年,该公司没有省略的研究和新材料和新技术,以适应生产力的研究,在速度和质量的供应和维修方面向客户提供所有厂家的泵服务区分生产到市场的新要求。二十年后,通过ATEX规范的到来涉及一个进一步的...RCH PUMP泵March Pumps
Originator of the Centrifugal Sealless Magnetic Drive Pump.
The ultimate in reliable, trouble-free performance for OEM, Chemical, Industrial, Medical, Marine, Solar applications, and many more.
Flows from 1/2 gpm to 200 gpm
Heads to 160 feet
Available in plastic or metallic construction
AC, DC, and Air Motors
Submersible and Non-Submersible
Liters per minute LPM and Meters M are g...