出力 30T 40T 50T
工作面尺寸 500*400 600*500 600*500
**工作高度 450 500 500
油缸行程 300 300 300
油缸下降速度 180 150 150
油缸加压速度 20 15 15
油缸上升速度 130 120 120
1. Adopts four-column and three-plate structure, the active placte paralleling with the working surface in high precision, four precise guide sleeves leading to highly precise down-pressing plumb;
2. Safe design, double hands operation, with emergency buttons (the photoelectric protective device should be additionally mounted) and micro-inching adjusting buttons;
3. On the working platform is set with the charging conduit and blowing device to promote productivity;
4. The pressure, stroke, speed, dwell time and shut height can be adjusted according to request, allowing for convenient operation;
5. Under the working platform is installed with the caster and foot cup, allowing the press to move conveniently and be operated in a laborsaving and high-efficient way.
Scope of Application:
Die cutting and shaping of burrs of various Amasilium alloy die casting products, whole cutting of plastic products; forming of plastic materials, like blanking, stretching and embossing of plates, as well as pressing of plastic and powder products; and other uses; It is mostly used in auto and motorcycle fitting sectors.
本系列油压机是各类铝、镁合金压铸制品的毛边冲切及整形,塑料制品的整切;也适用于塑性材料的成形如板料的落料、拉伸等、是TM106普通型的升级产品, 采用先进的子母缸液压回路.无论是噪音,速度, 耗电功率,均优于普通液压冲床是款**率高速度,高出力,高环保的新一代液压冲床本机在压铸行业应用最为广泛.
工作参数 TM106K-15T TM106K-25T TM106K-30T TM106K-40 TM106K-50T
机器公称出力(tf 吨力) 15 25 30 40 50
液体**工作压力(Mpa) 22 22 18 22 22
液体额定使用压力(Mpa) 19 20 15 20 20
**冲压行程(MM) 200 200 300 300 300
电机功率(KW) 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.7 5.5
整机重量(吨) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
适用电源电压(伏特) AC380V AC380V AC380V AC380V AC380V
活动板工作面与底板工作面**距离(MM) 400 400 500 500 500
活动板工作面与底板工作面最小距离(MM) 200 200 200 200 200
工作台面**尺寸(柱内X前后包边)(MM) 500*400 500*400 500*400 500*400 500*400
工作台离地高度(MM) 780 780 780 780 780
机器外形尺寸 高度(MM) 2000 2100 2230 2280 2300
左右(MM) 800 800 800 850 850
前后(MM) 1000 1000 1050 1050 1050
油缸速度 油缸快速下降(mm/秒) 150 150 150 150 150
油缸工进速度(mm/秒) 25 15 15 15 15
油缸回升速度(mm/秒) 130 100 120 120 130 |