589nm黄光激光笔Wavelength nm 589±2
Output power mW >0.6, 1, 2, … , 5
Transverse mode TEM00
Operating mode CW
Beam divergence, full angle mrad <1. 5
Beam diameter at the aperture mm 1. 5
Switch Push button
Surface color Black
Power Consumption DC 3V
Power supply 1×CR2 3V lithium battery
Expected lifetime hours 5000
Warranty 6 months
Remark LED indicator, key switch and logo eng...重庆钻石风幕机 美的全热交换器新风系统热风幕机
为解决此难题,有些厂家将加热器设置在了风幕机的背部进风口,从而在气流进入风幕机...重庆全热交换器 分体式管道换气扇选购风幕机除了要选择正规厂商的产品之外,还要注意在选购风幕机的时候一定要注意使用场所和安装环境。下面给大家说说风幕机该怎么选购。
第二点是安装风幕机的门口高度一般风幕机可吹2.5米高,如门口高度超过3米则需要选择加大风量的风幕机,否则无法...532nm便携式激光手电Model PGL-III-532 PGL-III-C-532
Wavelength nm 532±1
Output power mW >5, 10, 15, … , 200 >200, 260, 270, … ,500
Transverse mode TEM00
Operating mode CW
Beam divergence, full angle mrad <1. 5
Beam diameter at the aperture mm 1. 5
Switch Push button
Surface color Black
Power Consumption DC 3.6V
Power supply 2דC”size 1. 5V Alkaline batteries 1דNo. 18650” Lithiu...593.5nm便携式激光手电Wavelength nm 593.5±1
Output power mW >2, 3, 4 … , 20
Transverse mode TEM00
Operating mode CW
Beam divergence, full angle mrad <1. 5
Beam diameter at the aperture mm 1. 5
Switch Push button
Surface color Black
Power Consumption DC 3.6V
Power supply 1דNo. 18650” Lithium battery
Expected lifetime hours 5000
Warranty 6 months
Remark LED indicator, remote connector and k...