体检宝--用手机测量血压、心率、视力、听力、肺活量、心理指数、... 体检宝-手机测量血压、视力、心率、听力.无需任何外设,体检宝直接用手机测量用户的血压、心率、视力、听力、肺活量、心理指数、色盲等身体数据,并提供有针对性的可交互的健康方案。无需购买 Apple Watch, Apple Watch有的,体检宝都有,Apple Watch 没有的,体检宝也有!
恒源电动汽车集团 Cenntro Automotive Corporation designs and manufactures ** electric vehicles in the United States with operations in Europe and China. Cenntro Automotive is positioned to become the global leader in production of emission-free vehicles reaching 200 MPGe, including the versatile METRO!" , an All-Electric Compact Utility Vehicle.